Very addicting game but like one other player stated it would be nice to be able see all the other recipes with out having to drop a appliance to look and to see what levels need to be done to help level up!!!!
Very addicting game but like one other player stated it would be nice to be able see all the other recipes with out having to drop a appliance to look and to see what levels need to be done to help level up!!!!
I really like this game! However, i would really like it if i could sell stowed items that i dont want.
Great game! If only there was a way to earn more bucks!!!
I love this game!!!
Love, love, love this game!
I didnt know what to expect when trying this game out. But I do enjoy it a lot. :3 so it gets my approval. So far havent come across any issues. Which is good. So I suggest trying out this game.
I had to delete the app recently and now that Ive re-downloaded it, every time I try to connect to Facebook, the app crashes. Ive tried deleting and downloading again, Ive tried restarting my phone, Ive emailed support and received no help.. Im very frustrated.
I like the game but it KEEPS crashing and when I purchased $$ in the game, shortly after game crashed and could not be recovered lost the money I spent. Then restarted new game, and keeps crashing and any progress I made during play (although small, between crashes) is never saved. Once it is all fixed it will be great but till then Im too frustrated to keep playing!
This is an ok game. I just started playing a few days ago and am at level 14. I dont like how long recipes take to cook. I have been cooking cornbread since last night and it is still not done. Why not just make a recipe take as long as it does in real life? Ive made cornbread and including preparation and cooking time it takes maybe an hour at most. This isnt my favorite Big Fish game, I think they could have done better. For instance, when an appliance is in use, you cant see the recipes cooking time, level, or anything like that. Why not make a recipe book or something where you can see all the recipes even when an appliance is in use? I also think expansions shouldnt cost so much. Bucks are very hard to earn. 25 of them is too much for what you get. If you could make expansions cheaper and/or make bucks a little easier to get, that would be great.
Food takes WAY too long to cook, dollars are extremely hard to make, but easy to spend. Wish everything had a dollar or a coin option to buy or make things you buy with dollars more reasonable.
Love that you can just check in here and there and earn bucks. Progress can be slow but a fun distraction.
Amazing and fun game! (Warning can be addicting!)
The missions on this game used to be INSANELY unrealistic (ex: sell 12,950 carrots in 24hrs). Theyve since revamped it to be a lot more realistic (ex: sell 950 carrots in 24hrs). Granted there are the occasional "not wasting my whole day to do that" missions but for the most part, its great! Im back to being a regular player.
Pretty addicting!
Heres the thing, I like this game! But.. There it is... The "but" it takes way to freaking long to cook certain recipes and it drives me nuts to have to sit there and wait for 3 hours just for hot wings when you can cook 40 of them for 15-20 minutes
I like the game but it keeps kicking me out and shuts down and goes to my home screen!!! And then when I go back into I have to start all over or at a point I already went past!!!
Needs improvement but its an ok game
Simply the best
However I wish they would do an update. The fish taco mini game has issues. Other than that this game is marvelous and addictive. It gets me in the mood for cooking.
I love this game and play it daily. However there is one issue that needs to be addressed. In the mini game, where you have to cook and serve/sell two recipes, whenever the fish tacos come up as one of the recipes, the game shows it for the a while but then the recipe and amount that you have to serve/sell disappears from the menu, even though the recipe isnt complete. It wouldnt be a problem, but this is one of the highest reward items in the mini game (worth 20 bucks) and the recipe that takes the longest time to fix. Please fix the algorithm and give players the credit for this menu item. This is the third time its happened to me.